Over the years we’ve had numerous questions regarding the difference in our Greenix Polyurethane vs EPS SIPs Panels. Below is a comparison chart that points out the differences between the
The cost of the SIPs for a 1000-sq.-ft. house built in West Virginia in 2005 was $13,500. That’s more than double the cost of framing lumber and insulation for a like-size house built with stud
Is a SIP: 1. A Stress-Skin Panel? 2. A Foam Core Panel? 3. A Curtain Wall Panel? 3. Insulated? 4. Uninsulated? 5. Structural? 6. Non-Structural? 7. All of
Example of our Greenix Polyurethane Panels Looking at the example image on the right, you can see how the electrical boxes and conduit are placed inside a Greenix Polyurethane
Polyurethane Panel and EPS Panel Core Comparison Why does SIP Supply use polyurethane rather than polystyrene? SIP Supply chooses to use polyurethane foam insulation instead of expanded polystyrene
Greenix, the SIP Panel of Choice While we always try to educate our clients on our products, sometimes it’s best to just let the product do the talking.