Over the years we’ve had numerous questions regarding the difference in our Greenix Polyurethane vs EPS SIPs Panels. Below is a comparison chart that points out the differences between the
<p></p><p><a href="http://whataresips.com">What are SIPs?</a></p><p>GREENIX® GP/B BLAST PANEL </p><p>We offer blast and ballistic SIPs panels, bullet resistant that can be manufactured in various thicknesses in order to adequately meet the desired
The cost of the SIPs for a 1000-sq.-ft. house built in West Virginia in 2005 was $13,500. That’s more than double the cost of framing lumber and insulation for a like-size house built with stud
Is a SIP: 1. A Stress-Skin Panel? 2. A Foam Core Panel? 3. A Curtain Wall Panel? 3. Insulated? 4. Uninsulated? 5. Structural? 6. Non-Structural? 7. All of
Example of our Greenix Polyurethane Panels Looking at the example image on the right, you can see how the electrical boxes and conduit are placed inside a Greenix Polyurethane
Polyurethane Panel and EPS Panel Core Comparison Why does SIP Supply use polyurethane rather than polystyrene? SIP Supply chooses to use polyurethane foam insulation instead of expanded polystyrene