By their nature SIPs are structural. They are intended to carry loads. If they were not intended to carry loads there would be little need to securely laminate
Foam Core Panel is a non-specific term in reference to the Building Codes. It has commonly been used in describing a Sandwich Panel, but confuses the purer definitions
<p></p><p><a href="">What are SIPs?</a></p><p>GREENIX® GP/B BLAST PANEL </p><p>We offer blast and ballistic SIPs panels, bullet resistant that can be manufactured in various thicknesses in order to adequately meet the desired
<p><p><a href="">What are SIPs?</a></p><p><p>Cost comparisons have shown that building with Greenix Panels is no more expensive than traditional building techniques when the following factors are taken into consideration:</p> REDUCED
Polyurethane Panel and EPS Panel Core Comparison Why does SIP Supply use polyurethane rather than polystyrene? SIP Supply chooses to use polyurethane foam insulation instead of expanded polystyrene
A.) Simply put, we feel that by delivering Polyurethane (PUR) as a polyurethane panel, we are delivering a better SIP product. Please read why we feel this way